From Cognitive Laziness to Cognitive Leniency

How can we move away from the focus on growth and efficiency when it gets to mobility and identify new ways of thinking about it?

a kid on a scooter step

Current mobility patterns are rapidly depleting individuals, cities, global resources and the environment. The achievement of the much needed radical transformation of this requires a profound reimagination of the societal futures collectively accepted as desirable. However, the way that we talk and think about mobility is narrowly framed around the notion that ‘being underway’ is a disutility. Experts, politicians, innovators and the general public tend to highlight the role of mobility in economic and urban growth, individual speed and system efficiency. This focus obscures the role of mobility in reproducing inequalities, and in driving unsustainable developments on a global scale.

Leverage Points to Intervene in a system (Meadows, 1999)

So, how can we move away from this? How can we identify new ways of thinking around mobility, nurture them, and amplify their potential impact? As Donella Meadows suggested, this is where the deepest leverage points for system change lie (see figure). The Laboratory of Thought aims to generate mobility narratives that are understandable, attractive, motivational and possible. These narratives should not be top-down imposed perspectives of societal elites, but instead be developed through participatory and democratic processes of deliberation. Find out more why this is important and how we will do this in this Open Access academic paper.


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Ready to reTHINK

There is an urgent need to rethink the way we look at our streets and cities. They are currently designed for one purpose (cars and efficiency) and no longer a just place that enables social interaction, play and inclusion. Because it's hard for policymakers, designers and people to see alternative futures. The Lab of Thought is the platform that explores and direct experiments to open our collective imagination to work towards more desirable streets and cities.